Thursday, November 23, 2006

It's my island

We got our site announcements on Tuesday. I'll be spending the next two years at a college on the Zanzibar islands. Peace Corps policy does not allow anyone to announce their exact location over website or blog, so I'm not able to disclose the exact island or school here. If you'd like to know exactly where I'm going just shoot me an email.

Needless to say I am more than excited. Two years on a tropical island that was once a center of the Indian Ocean spice trade. It's 95% Muslim, and because the site is away from any tourist areas everyone is apparently very friendly. Talk about the cultural experience of a lifetime. Because the island is mostly Muslim, many religious Muslim rules are considered law. For instance, during Ramadan it is illegal to drink or eat anything in public. It's going to be an amazing 2 years.

I'm in the Peace Corps headquarters right now, and I'm about to head over to the ambassador's house for some tasty foods so I have to keep this really short.

Happy thanksgiving everyone!

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