Monday, October 02, 2006


I'll dig a tunnel
from my window to yours,
yeah a tunnel from my window to yours.
You climb out the chimney
and meet me in the middle,
the middle of the town.
And since there's no one else around,
we let our hair grow long
and forget all we used to know

UPDATE: Ok, so it turns out the best way to reach me is to dial +011 255 773 430 916 (if you're dialing from outside the US). If that fails, the one listed below should work... probably. African cell phone networks, gotta love em.

Who knew, but Morogoro has a cell phone signal. I got out a bit early from training today and went and bought a super cheapo phone. I'm not sure if I'll have reception when I'm actually on site, but for now I'm back in the network. My number is:

0773 430 916

The country code is 255 (I think).

I can't make calls out of country, but I can receive them. There are some pretty cheap calling cards out there, so if you absolutely can't live without hearing my voice give me a call. Just remember that I'm 7 hours ahead of East Coast time.

I wake up usually at 5:30am, and go to bed at 9:30. I walk to the school I'm training at between 7:15am and 8:00. (It's about 3 miles) That'd be a great time to give me a ring. On the flip side, I get out of training at about 5:00 pm.

In other news, I did my laundry by hand for the first time on Sunday. Washing machines are my new favorite invention. The soap they use here burns your hands, and you have to scrub unbelievably hard to do a decent cleaning job. It took me about 2 hours to wash 3 tshirts, 2 button down shirts, and 2 pairs of pants. Bad. Times. My hands and wrists are still raw. My hands are going to be super gnarly by the time I come back stateside. Either that or I'm going to splurge and hire someone to do my laundry for me. Probably the latter. 2 hours of chemical burn every Sunday is not a particularly endearing proposal.

I also saw the fattest rooster ever while walking to training this morning. Holy god this thing was huge. I'll try to get a picture of it at some point. This thing will blow your mind. I know it made my day. (Yes, this is the type of excitement I've been reduced to. If you think this is bad, just wait 2 years.)

And now, I'm off. I hope to hear from some of you.

Kwa heri!


Joshua said...

Sorry Brent, Patty, and Monica. When I updated this post your comments were accidentally deleted...

monica said...


so my father sent me a calling card from .. either he doesn't understand or i don't. i'll try to get on it this weekend. my plans are further complicated by the fact that i still don't have a room phone. ais;gon;sdjgnskjgnmissyou

Sarah said...

Hello! My name is Sarah and I recieved the URL for this blog from one of our mutual friends, Charlotte Lai. She knew I was interested in the Peace Corps. I just wanted to say hi, and I noticed the lyrics you put up on this post. One of my favorite songs. Hope your experience is amazing!

Joshua said...

The Arcade Fire are pretty great, it's true.